It's a common theme we talk about here in Doowopolis - the idea that "short-termism" (or the belief that our best days are probably behind us, so might as well just borrow today whatever's left from a darker tomorrow, and take the money and run - hoping tomorrow never gets here) has seemingly taken over "long-termism" (or the idea that the best is yet to come, hence the incentive to work hard, save money, and invest in that better, brighter future...)
We happen to think at least some of this may have to do with the way our money supply (as in, the supply of dollars created & circulated by central banks) has expanded so rapidly (read: "money printer go brrr") in America ever since the early 2000s (and maybe even the early 1970s???) thereby devaluing the long-term-oriented hard work & big dreams of working & middle-class citizens, while short-term speculative "binges" by a reckless few instead become the driving force shaping the destiny of companies, communities, and culture alike.
Prioritizing debt & credit over savings & capital; trading & flipping over investing & income; gambling & grifting over planning & productivity; money supply growth & asset price inflation over real economic growth & rising wages; "short-termism" over "long-termism"; pessimism (or worse, nihilism) over optimism, and ultimately, fly-by-night speculators over creative, hard-working entrepreneurs? Not a recipe for a brighter future, as we see it. Not in the Wildwoods. And not anywhere else.
The Doowopolis Manifesto,
Some examples of the consequences of "short-termism"? Well, in the New Jersey shore town of the Wildwoods, it meant the sudden loss of over two-thirds of the community's historic "Doo Wop" architecture in a span of just a few short years back in the early & mid 2000s due to an artificially-inflated real estate bubble and temporary distortion of financial markets (that would eventually be bailed out with more printed money - i.e. stealing the savings of hard-working taxpayers) - and with it, the loss of a dream to restore, redevelop, and reinvent an entire community on the basis of it's original, authentic spirit - that is, the spirit of "belief in a better tomorrow" as built by hard-working small business owners & entrepreneurs with big dreams - not to mention an entire era of pop-culture-inspired design & architecture, and also an entire job-creating local tourism industry.
As it turns out, there are other consequences beyond just the shores of New Jersey.
In a recent article by Mark Murphy for Forbes Magazine, it's described that "In its simplest form, short-termism means prioritizing short-term results to the detriment of long-term interests." And some of those interests include not just economic benefits...
"long-term-oriented investors deliver superior performance, and long-term-oriented companies outperform in terms of revenue, earnings, and job creation"
Mark Murphy,
...but also health benefits too, including the ability to cure deadly diseases...
"While the Li Ka Shing Applied Virology Institute is working on a hepatitis C vaccine, presently, there already exists a cure. Why on earth aren't we testing and treating the 58 million people currently infected?
Mark Murphy,
This is where short-termism reenters the story. "The existing cures are under patent protection and cost at least $20,000 per patient," Dr. Houghton told me. One doesn't need to be an expert in pharmacoeconomics to start doing a bit of math."
Read full article on
so might as well just borrow today whatever's left from a darker tomorrow, and take the money and run - hoping tomorrow never comes